Operator of the website and responsible for its content is the
Karl Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation
legal capacity and non-profit foundation of German Private Law
Hahnenstraße 21F
50997 Cologne
T: +49 2233 923021,
E: info@khboeckstiegel-foundation.org
Management Board authorized to represent the Foundation:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kröll, Cologne
Dr. Torsten Lörcher, Cologne
Foundation account:
Deutsche Bank
IBAN: DE65 3707 0060 0121 5243 00
When donations are made to the Foundation, a tax-recognized donation receipt will be sent.
Tax-Number: 219/5884/3066
Seat of the Foundation: Hahnenstraße 21F, 50997 Cologne, Germany.
The Foundation was recognized as a non-profit organization in a letter dated 9 June 2022 from the tax office Köln-Süd (notice pursuant to § 60a (1) AO on the separate determination of the statutory requirements pursuant to §§ 51, 59, 60 and 61 AO).
Supervisory Authority:
Cologne District Government
Zeughausstraße 2 – 10, 50667 Cologne, Germany