The purpose of the Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation is to promote science and research as well as vocational training.
The statutory purpose is realized in particular in the field of national and international arbitration through:
- the implementation and promotion of scientific events and research projects
- funding of dissertations and other publications
- projects to promote arbitration and
- promoting moot courts
The Karl Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation supports, among others:
Events organized by academics,
e.g. doctoral seminars or comparative law colloquia with participants from different countries on issues of arbitration and international dispute resolution, whereby funding is conditional on the event being of an academic and non-commercial nature. In addition, the Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation, in consultation with the organizers of selected international academic events in the fields of arbitration and international dispute resolution, offers scholarships to qualified individuals from the academic world who are particularly worthy of support.
Dissertations and other scientific publications
in the field of arbitration and international dispute resolution, whereby such funding is only granted to particularly qualified applicants who are dependent on such funding for the realization of the project. Dissertations are usually funded only in the form of partial scholarships.
Events promoting arbitration,
whereby only non-commercial events are funded and funding usually requires that there is a special need to promote arbitration with regard to the participants or the venue of the event, for example because arbitration is not yet widespread there.
Moot Courts
in the areas of arbitration and international dispute resolution, whereby the focus here is on the promotion of events (pre-moots, etc.) and a promotion of individual teams can only be considered in exceptional cases, in particular if individual teams are unable to participate for economic reasons without the promotion.
Please note that individual projects, such as research stays as part of a dissertation, will only be funded in exceptional cases.
If you have an event or project that meets the above requirements, please send your application materials (precise description of the project, ideas about the funding amount, CVs of the applicants) to