[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Terms and Conditions
1. The Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation Scholarship for Attending the ICCA Congress in Edinburgh is a scholarship programme to support young academics in attending the ICCA Congress from 18 to 21 September 2022 in Edinburgh. It is open to young academics who have already been working on arbitration projects (like for example a PhD thesis) and who would otherwise not be able to attend the ICCA Congress.
2. The scholarship will cover the ICCA registration fee (a discounted fee of GBP 840 including VAT), travel costs (based on respective receipts) up to an amount of EUR 400 for a flight time up to four hours, EUR 700 up to seven hours and EUR 1,000 in case of more than seven hours flight time, as well as accommodation costs (based on respective receipts) up to an amount of EUR 300. The costs of attending the ICCA Congress cannot be converted to cash by the winner if he or she is unable to attend the Congress for whatever reason.
3. The scholarship will be awarded by the Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation on the basis of a recommendation by the Young ICCA Selection Committee established by Young ICCA.
4. All applications will be reviewed by the Young ICCA Selection Committee with consideration of the credentials of the applicants, including a proven and sustained interest in the field of international arbitration. The Young ICCA Selection Committee will also take into account considerations of diversity.
5. The scholarships will be awarded on an objective and non-discriminatory basis.
6. Eligibility:
a. The scholarship will be open to academics, who have already been working on arbitration projects, that have shown a proven and sustained interest in the field of international arbitration and who would otherwise not be able to attend the ICCA Congress.
b. Applicants must be born in 1982 or later.
c. Applicants may but need not be members of Young ICCA.
d. Applications should be either in English or be accompanied by a full English translation.
e. The Scholarship is open to applicants of any nationality, race, color and ethnic origin and the aim is to offer the scholarship to a diverse group of academics.
f. The choice of the recipient(s) of the scholarship is based solely on the judgment of the Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation based on the recommendation of the Young ICCA Selection Committee.
g. Any applicants that are related to the Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation, Young ICCA Co-Chairs, Young ICCA Selection Committee Members and any individual involved in the decision-making process will be excluded from consideration. Related persons include the spouses, siblings, spouses of siblings, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, ancestors, and spouses of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of these individuals.
h. In the event that any applicant shares an institutional affiliation with a member of the Young ICCA Selection Committee or a member of the Management Board or the Board of Trustees of the Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation, that member will recuse him- or herself from participating in the relevant decision.
i. The recipients of the scholarship are not required to perform any services to ICCA or the Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation in return for the granting of the scholarship.
7. All applications shall be submitted via email to info@khboeckstiegel-foundation.org by 24 June 2022 (or any notified extended deadline). Applicants should submit: a CV, evidence of their academic credentials, a description of the academic project(s) in the field of arbitration on which the applicant worked in the past and/or is currently working on, and a description of why participation at the ICCA Congress is particularly helpful for her/his work. They should also provide the following information: full name; nationality; place of residence; gender (male, female or prefer not to specify); proof of age; and contact details. By applying for the Scholarship, applicants agree to the terms of the Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation and ICCA’s Data Protection Policies as published on the website of the Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation at khboeckstiegel-foundation.org and ICCA at https://www.arbitration-icca.org/icca-privacy-policy[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]