Report from the Doctoral Seminar on Arbitration at Bucerius Law School
From August 12 - 13, 2022, the Center for International Dispute Resolution at Bucerius Law School (CIDR) and the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS) hosted the first Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation-sponsored Doctoral Seminar on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution at Bucerius Law School.
Twenty-five doctoral students from Germany, Austria and Switzerland took the opportunity to report on their dissertation and research projects and to discuss them among themselves and together with the directors of CIDR.
The thirteen selected presentations thematically followed the course of an arbitration and were then discussed with the other doctoral students and the professors and practitioners present. In addition to these discussions, the seminar offered the doctoral students the opportunity to network with each other, especially at the barbecue after the first day of the seminar.
As the attached examples show, the feedback from the participants was extremely positive. They show that the doctoral seminar, which is planned as an annual event, is seen by young academics in the field of arbitration and alternative dispute resolution as an invigorating and important element for their own work.
"The seminar on arbitration and alternative dispute resolution at Bucerius Law School provided us as doctoral students from Germany, Austria and Switzerland with a great framework to exchange ideas on our research. In particular, the diversity of research topics in the field of arbitration became clear. Despite a wide variety of research topics, exciting discussions arose at the end of the presentations, which opened up new perspectives on our own research."
Charlotte Harriet Peters, PhD student at Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
"Participating in the seminar was worthwhile for two main reasons. First, it was possible to present and discuss one's own ideas with the audience, all of whom are doing research in the fields of arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. Second, it was possible to establish contacts for the future, who can be contacted in case of questions during the PhD project. Due to the excellent organization supported by Mesut Akbaba and Thilo Kerkhoff, Bucerius Law School, and the generous scheduling of the discussion rooms, the thematic abundance could be processed well. Participation in future seminars is therefore highly recommended for doctoral students in the field of alternative dispute resolution!"
Louis Roer, PhD student at the Institute for Foreign and International Private and Commercial Law, University of Heidelberg
“In addition to the substantive part, the participants had the opportunity to build a network in arbitration. Such events serve the development of international arbitration and the promotion of young academics and should therefore become a permanent practice."
Kseniia Stepanova, Humboldt University Berlin